1490 Mark Thomas Drive Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 375-4463

Movie Night – “Arrival”

Movie Night – “Arrival”

March 24, 2017 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Movie Night- “Arrival” at 6pm

This month we have the 2016…PG-13 rated “Arrival.” Aliens have landed on Earth, in 12 different locations. Language professor Louise Banks joins a US Army team at one of the locations, in Montana. Her job is to try to learn the aliens’ language and enable communication with them. Through regular meetings with two of the aliens she starts to compile a record of the aliens’ “language” – a series of drawn symbols. The important question is – are they friend or foe?

Critics say this film “delivers a must-see experience for fans of thinking person’s sci-fi that anchors its heady themes with genuinely affecting emotion and a terrific performance from Amy Adams.”